Shen Yun Cảm nhận: Dominique Föllmi, former President of the State Council of Geneva & current orchestra president
“I came on opening night and came back tonight... I am the former President of the State Council of Geneva and was in charge of education, training, and culture. So you can imagine that I’m especially delighted by this show. This contains so much of what we try to develop in relation to education and young people. It is exceptional... Shen Yun brings us something ancient, but also provides us with a fresh look at spirituality and a vision of the world with Heaven, and deities. It’s wonderful and it’s a message our world needs so much today. Moreover, to love your neighbor and be open-minded is a message we need to hear. What [Shen Yun is] presenting us with is total perfection. At the end, we feel good, we want to carry it further, we want to bring the message given to us, to others. It is happiness, real happiness.”
February 29, 2016